Making a movie for the presentation of a project at school.
Monday, June 20th, 2005 (1).
At the end of our second year of studying Civil Engineering at the Saxion university, our project group
had to give the final presentation of our project. We came up with the idea of making this a special
presentation by making a movie about the project and presenting it on DVD.
This day of the shoot (a Monday) was an extremely hot summer's day. We reserved a video camera at school to
shoot some nice material which we could use for the presentation. Six of the seven students of our project
group (PC78-B, second year students Civil Engineering) were present at the location, which was Plein
Westermaat (Square Westermaat). The area is located between the cities of Hengelo and Borne and has a
couple major stores like Ikea and Mediamarkt. There are also other smaller stores located there, as well
as a wok restaurant and, of course, a McDonalds. During the second half of our second year we had the task
to redesign a couple of parts (for example a safer route for the goods-delivery trucks) and to control some
calculations (geo-calculations for the foundation of the halls and the sewage system). After we packed all
the stuff we needed, we started to fill the rubber inflatable boat with air. 'Inbetween things' got recorded
with the video camera and several digital photo cameras. Our idea was to film the location as seen from the
river flowing through it. This way we could show our teachers a unique view of the area, including some
bridges and a concrete tunnel under a special public transport road -- a road that is only meant for busses
between Almelo and Hengelo. In
the Photo album below you can see a
selection of the photos I took with my mobile phone.

Monday, June 20th, 2005 (2).
When Onno had successfully completed his trip in the rubber boat, we packed up our stuff near the McDonalds.
After a short talk about what other ideas we had for the movie, we decided to try to get onto the roof of the
Praxis/Mediamarkt so we could film and take photos to get some overview footage of the whole terrain. Peter
and William went to the Life Fit Center to ask for permission, and they got it. The photos in
the Photo album were taken with
William's Canon Digital Ixus 40 and Peter's Konica KD-20 digital cameras. To keep things quick and easy, I
selected only the best and most interesting photos.
We all had a wonderful day, and this resulted in a very cool DVD. At the final presentation, we all received
the note 'Good'. Then I only had to write a portfolio and get it checked by the teacher who guided us with
our project. The portfolio was good enough and so I received all the study credit points I could get. Thanks
for this the past half a year, group members! Now on to the third year of study...
