Welcome to my personal website.
My website currently contains 4455 images and photos.
The images were taken with my Nokia 6230 (mobile phone with a 0.3 megapixel VGA-camera). All photos since
the beginning of 2006 were taken with my compact digital camera (Canon PowerShot A520). From the beginning of
2010 I took all photos with my DSLR camera Canon 500D. The intention of posting all these photos is to give
you a detailed impression of the events I've been to. That's why I would appreciate it if you don't abuse the
content of my website, and especially my photos. Saving or making screenshots of the photos is not a problem,
but spreading them all over the internet (for commercial use) is not acceptable.
Because I am a huge fan of Arjen Anthony Lucassen, and because there is hardly any Dutch info to be found on
the internet, I decided to make the first complete discography of all his work, including lots of interesting
information. These pages have also been translated into English, with the help of my own resoruces and the
official website of Ayreon, even though there is a lot of info in English on the internet about Arjens work.
I think it will be a nice catalogue for fans regardless of their language. I take the reponsibility for
creating (translating and publishing) this discography, but I can tell that Arjen Lucassen himself was very
pleased with the final result. Occasionally there might be a small mistake or typo, but if this is the case,
please let me know as soon as possible, so I can fix it. All help is much appreciated! The music on the
pages of my website is made possible with the permission of
Arjen Lucassen and
Mostly Autumn.
This website is designed for 'Internet Explorer 7.0' use and with a desktop resolution of 1024x768 (or
larger). The website has also been tested successfully with the browsers 'Mozilla Firefox 3.0', 'Apple Safari
3.1' and 'Google Chrome 0.3'. When using different browsers or settings, I cannot guarantee the correct
appearance of the lay-out and the functionality of the website. My apologises for this. Since commencing the
full new design of my website, it works to the current requirements and rules of the HTML and CSS norms of
the W3C institute. Please note that you should have the 'Old English Text MT' font installed on your system
for the best viewing of my website (if not, please take a look at the subheading 'Fonts' at the bottom of
this page). To properly view my photo albums, you will need the universal program 'Adobe Flash Player'. By
clicking the button below you can download the latest version, which will help you get the best out of my
website. If you get lost on my website for whatever reason, simply go to
the Sitemap page where I have made an overview
of the layout of my website for your convenience.
Further more I would like to thank Gerrit 'senior', Jan 'pap', Vardaman 'Immortal Slave', Irina
'Somebodyhere', Edwin 'Edje', Natasja 'Taz', René 'MaXxive Media', Ruard 'Ru.', Lilia 'Lili', the Civil
Engineering students of the Saxion University in Enschede from the project group PC78-B from 2004/2005 (you
know who you are!), PTR Offshore Designers, everyone behind Ayreon (Arjen Lucassen, manager Lori Linstruth,
ex-manager Yvette Boertje and webmaster Ruben Schulz), everyone from Stream of Passion (Arjen Lucassen, Lori
Linstruth, Marcela Bovio, Davy Mickers, Johan van Stratum, Alejandro Millán and Diana Bovio) and everyone
from Mostly Autumn (especially Heather Findlay) very much for their participation and help with this
My final wish is that you enjoy visiting my website,
Rob Ligtenberg.
For contact, remarks, comments, any other kind of critique or questions about the content of this website,
please send a mail to
the webmaster. I truly appreciate it when visitors help to further develop my website. Besides sending an
mail, you can of course leave a message in
the Guestbook.
For more info and some other interesting websites please take a look at the links below. If you have a link
which is not on my website and would be of interest to me, please feel free to send me
a mail with the link together
with a description.
Arjen Lucassen
Stream of Passion
Mostly Autumn
Heather Findlay
Uitbreiding Schiphol
Immortal Slave
Fantastic music of the multi-instrumentalist Arjen Anthony Lucassen (Ayreon).
A superb alternative gothic metal band from the Netherlands and Mexico.
The atmospheric progressive/folk band from York (UK) with Heather Findlay.
The personal website of Heather Findlay about her solo-projects.
The website of PTR Offshore Designers about their successful graduation project.
I am the webmaster of this South African / Mexican / Russian band.
Favourites and promotion.
Of course you can add this website to your personal
Favourites (for IE only).
Would you like to promote my website? Select the following html-code to add the banner below + an
accompanying link to your own website.

Do you have trouble with the readability of the fonts at this website? Then please download the following
2 files: 'Tahoma' and
'Old English Text MT'.
After downloading, put these files in the [C:\Windows\Fonts] directory (or
similar for other platforms) on your own computer. After doing this, finish the procedure by
refreshing this page for a correct view.